Jun 26, 2014

No Children=Selfish?

Why do people still have ancient thoughts that you can't enjoy life without kids? You look around and see families everywhere: Husband & Wife, and children. Just because some people have children, doesn't mean everyone has to follow suit. Not everyone wants children, and that's ok. I see children with deadbeat parents, and I wonder why they even had children. If you're not going to properly care for your child(ren), put them up for adoption. There are parents waiting to adopt children into a loving & supportive environment. Let's be honest, having children is a major responsibility. You're talking about raising someone from birth to 18. Once that child becomes of age to where (s)he can do for self, they move out on their own. Even though a parent has raised children, adult children still need their parents for guidance. Here's a thought: Some people don't want kids, and they're within their right.
If you don't want children, you're assumed to be selfish because of societal pressure. Everybody seems to be getting married nowadays. Never mind that some people are on their 2nd or 3rd marriage, but I digress. If you're selfish, that's a good enough reason not to have children. Once children come into the picture, it's about them. Everything a parent does has to be done with their child(ren) in mind. Your child(ren) need new school clothes, but you have $5000 saved up for a cruise. If you're committed to your children, you'll sacrifice the cruise so your children can have new clothes for the upcoming school year. "Me" becomes "We" as soon as children come into the picture. That selfishness should fly out the window. In some religions, it's considered sinful to not procreate. For example: The Muslim religion states that it's a man's duty to find a wife to bare children with.
Some people may be genuinely selfish. Those people have no business having children because they're just going to put their children aside while they "turn up". If someone's not ready to be a parent, the children suffer. Why do you think there are so many deadbeat parents? Because they weren't ready to sacrifice "me" for "we {the child(ren)}".

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.