Aug 7, 2012

Giving Your Best To The Wrong Person

Marvin's Motivational Moment: "Relationship Fact" Your best efforts will never be enough when your best efforts are being wasted on the wrong person. This was shared with me by a Facebook friend and it's in line with what I feel about relationships: Both men & women should take their time getting to know one another. In getting to know one another, you find out critical components of their personality such as their life outlook, ambition, spirituality, etc. If any of those are out of whack, proceed with caution. The reason why many people get their hearts broken is because they give their best to the wrong person. Why would you give your best to an unworthy person? That's crazy. If you're the person you want to attract then it would behoove you to be selective. Being selective ensures you attract the perfect person for YOU; that doesn't mean (s)he doesn't have faults, it simply means the person you picked up is suited to YOU. Your best efforts will be enough when they are used on the right person and when they are used on Mr(s) Right, that makes for a beautiful union. I don't know about anyone else but for me, I'm not giving my best to the wrong person. The reason I made that statement is because if I'm the person I want to attract or I'm working on becoming who I want to attract, why would I get involved with Ms. Wrong? That's silly. A woman isn't a project for me; I don't have time to fix her up to my specifications. If she's not on point for me and I for her, there's no need for us to be together. If more people used Marvin Sapp's relationship fact as a screening tool, everyone could find a compatible mate and there wouldn't be a need for failed relationships before he/she FINALLY gets it. When you give your best to the wrong person, you're destined for heartbreak, but when you give your best to the right person, your relationship will soar into the heavens. Not everybody is worthy of your best. Your best should be reserved for those who will reciprocate.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.