Aug 29, 2016

Financial Security: Parents, How Far Are You Willing To Go?

This was too good NOT to repost as today's blog:

I noticed the neighbor was selling his house so nosy me asks are you relocating???? Answer: No I'm not relocating, my daughter is attending FSU, so instead of taking out loans and her being in debt upon graduating or going into my personal savings to pay for college, the wife and I decided to sell our house, take the money, pay for her tuition, and buy a smaller home......... As a parent, how far are you willing to go in order to secure your child's future? Just something to think about for those who have kids.

This post shows the different mindset whites have as opposed to some blacks as it relates to financial security. If I'm blessed with children, I'm definitely willing to go this far to secure my child(ren)'s future. Think about it, my child(ren) may want to move out when they start college, so would there really be a need for a big house? No, unless my child(ren) tells me and mom (s)he wants the home for themselves and their future family (the house will already be paid for), then they can keep the big house while me and the Misses live in a smaller home. I'm looking ahead to when my child graduates & gets their first good-paying job. All my child will have to focus on is building their own financial portfolio while they're debt free. Part of raising responsible children entails doing whatever it takes to secure their future. Once the child(ren) gets old enough to do for self, they apply the lessons taught to their own lives.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.