Nov 20, 2012

Balancing Work & Family

At times, it's impossible to balance family and work due to conflicting demands. Either your family will demand more of your time or your job will; you cannot have it both ways. One is bound to suffer. If you put your family first, your job will suffer and vice versa. The key is finding a supportive spouse that understands your rationale for putting in extra hours on the job so you can make sure they're straight. A man's job is to provide for his family and part of provision means you have to take advantage of overtime opportunities or extra income opportunities. After all, he's doing it for the family. Women need to stop running guilt trips on their man because if the money wasn't coming in, she would be upset about that but when the money coming in, she doesn't say anything (by right she shouldn't). At least he has a job because most men don't work. If a man works too much, his woman gets pissed and wants him home more; If he's not making enough, she wants him to step his finance game up. Damned if you do and don't with some women. Did it ever occur to some women that the reason why their man may spend more time at work than with her is because she NAGS too much? *Crickets* No man wants to come home to a motormouth. I said all that to say this: You can't always balance work & family because one is bound to suffer. I got the idea from Sweetie Pie's (a show that comes on at 9pm Saturdays on OWN). Tim and Jenae are supposed to get married, but that's on hiatus due to Tim's busy schedule. Jenae gets pissed because she feels Tim doesn't have his priorities straight.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.