Jan 25, 2016

Stop Asking For Unconditional Love

People are funny when they talk about unconditional love because I know they're full of crap. With the proper exception of Jesus' help, NO ONE can love unconditionally. They may do well for a moment, but many people's tolerance for foolishness is very low, as it should be. Nobody should have time to keep giving people chance after chance when you don't see improvement; that's bananas. Men and women should stop asking for unconditional love if they have prerequisites attached before they love someone. Both genders are guilty of this. Men are like: I want my woman to be perfect before I give her my love. She can't have attitude, must be a great cook, this, that and the other.
Nothing wrong with having standards, BUT...do some men possess most or all of what they require in a woman? Women are like: I want a man to love me at my worst, or he won't get my best. LOL! Ok then. This is the mindset of some men & women. If you're going to love someone, love them unconditionally. You can't put conditions on love for your spouse. You must love your (wo)man even though at times you may not receive that love back. You must be able to love that (wo)man even if they piss you off sometimes. If you can't do that, the best thing to do is stay single. Nobody should be expected to love someone unconditionally if that person isn't willing to return the favor.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.