Apr 28, 2020

Is Privilege Bad?

Is people born into privilege bad? Yes and No. Privilege is bad when you use your privilege to get an unfair advantage. Everyone else is playing fair, but you use privilege to cut corners. I look at rich politicians & most of them are out of touch with regular people. Most wealthy people have no idea what it's like living from check to check, so it's easy for them to say that poor people are broke because of this, that, and the third. How many rich politicians came from nothing? Billionaires, like some wealthy people, inherited their wealth, very few have built their wealth from the ground up. Privilege isn't bad if someone is setting their family up for a better life. Parents sacrifice so their children can have better than what they had, so privilege isn't bad in that regard. Recognition of privilege leads to 2 things: Compassion and gratitude. 
When you can recognize that you're blessed, and you could have it worse, being compassionate and not a jerk to other people is cool, and being grateful for God's blessings makes you a more positive, healthy human being. The problem with privilege is that privileged people don't understand the barriers some people have to overcome to get the same opportunities in life. It's easy to smell yourself when everything's been handed to you. I don't think privilege is bad if you're a decent human being, who understands the road they traveled to a better life and inspires those to rise higher.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.