Oct 2, 2012


I DO NOT embrace the thug life because of the dangers associated with it but I have to say this: These dudes talk about being goons/gangsters and having done this, that and the third but when the law is hot on them, they start singing like a song. So you can be out there with your boys robbing and killing and as soon as the police cut you a deal, you start telling this, that and the third. You get off and your boys are locked up for life all because you were too chicken to do that time like a man. Even the Mafia and other organized crime groups frowned upon ratting because if you got caught, YOU did your time. Yes, your friends would try to bail you out but if that didn't work, you stayed until your sentence was up. The Streets Are Watching and when you violate street law, your own neighborhood doesn't respect you. You may have to move out of your neighborhood because your life could be in danger. You have some cats that will shoot at their enemies and then call the police at the same time, what kind of mess is that? These fools kill me with how hard they claim to be but when the law put that pressure on them, they crack like an egg. Don't embrace the thug life if you can't deal with the dangers. Many times, you can't leave the streets alone because your enemies won't allow you to. If they don't get you, they go after your loved ones. Drug Dealers, Gangsters, Dope Boys, etc. are the first to tell you they will never work with the police but the cops know what's up, all they have to do is cut them a deal and the singing begins. These guys also try to lay low when street wars become too dangerous. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.