May 9, 2013

Doing Right With No Compensation

The man in the picture is Charles Ramsey. He was in the news for rescuing 3 women who were kidnapped and forced into sexual exploitation for 10 YEARS. These women were raped multiple times and forced to do God knows what. I'm just glad these women made it out alive, although they may need psychological therapy to heal from this ordeal. I don't know of any woman who has gone through what these women did, and NOT underwent therapy. He was offered a reward and turned it down, because he wanted the reward money to go to the rescued women. His heart was in the right place, but here's a comment from Katina Person (Facebook friend) who, told it like it was:
"Everyone is praising this dude because he said to give the reward money to the girls. WHATEVER! If there is reward money and if he doesn't take it for himself, he's a fool. Those girls are going to get paid. Period. Look at that Dugard girl or whatever her name is. They found her. She was on People, giving interviews day and night. She got paid for ALL of that. They are going to get book deals, maybe a reality show, who knows? Depending on the agent they get, and how they play it. But what is he going to get? Talking about he has a job. That's for NOW. In this economy, we all know jobs are guaranteed. He's in OH too? I hope he has someone like me in his life, talking sense to him, lol."
I share her sentiment, because if you're offered reward money for a noble deed, YOU TAKE IT. Say thank you, and move on. His heart was in the right place, and I can respect that, but sometimes you need compensation for the good you do. I believe he just wanted to make sure that after all they had been through him getting a reward shouldn't be the focus. Often, our hearts are in the right place but our brain needs to get in the right place too!

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.