Apr 16, 2022

Voting According To God's Principles

Repost (Tera Carissa Hodges)

I want us to have a civil conversation...
More and more, God has been talking to ME
(let me hit that Word again, ME) about how #politics is almost becoming spiritually dangerous for God’s people. Some are going against God to vote a person who looks like them in some way in.
Let me explain...
I believe in voting. I #vote.
However, it’s appearing that if a candidate looks like us
(minority, woman, young, whatever identifies us),
if we’re not careful we will support them at the expense of voting for principles our #faith tells us to stand on.
While I recognize there is NO PERFECT PARTY, RIGHT AND WRONG is on both sides, I think we have to be careful of supporting candidates solely because they look like us in some way.
Wrong doesn’t become right because the candidate is black, or a woman, or under 40, and we want to see “us” win.
I just read a piece today by a #Pastor who is highly criticizing a policy that is now playing out in real time. Yet, scroll back and a few years ago, when his candidate was openly supporting it
DURING HIS CAMPAIGN, he didn’t say a word.
He kept supporting.
***To this day, even in his piece I just read, he STILL hasn’t called out the candidate that put the policy in place. He’s just attacking the #policy as if it put itself in place.
I guess that particular issue
(which was and still is a CLEAR violation of
God’s Word hence why it’s playing out exactly as anybody with common sense could see it would)
was one he was willing to turn a blind eye to so “us” could get in office.
***Ya’ll God has called us to be better than this!
I’m almost beginning to understand why some sects and denominations don’t think believers should vote.
I have not arrived at that place, YET. But, as the church, we’ve got to stop just supporting “us” and make sure “us” is supporting us.
You’re never going to like everything a candidate stands on. But, some things ought to be clear violations of #GodsWord that we will not support under any circumstances.
While I understand wanting minorities to win,
(I’m what you call a double minority:
black and a woman) we can’t be so wounded by our nation’s past transgressions that we betray God,
His Word, His standard, His principles so we can be proud we cracked the #glassceiling.
After all, what does it profit a man to gain the world (and the pride of life that comes with it) and lose his soul?

Mark 8:36. 

This post is why I'm very careful about who I vote for, because God will hold me accountable if I vote for what he's against. In other words, voting for a candidate that endorses a sinful agenda will bring God's judgment on me and other believers, and I want to be judged for the good, not the bad I do. Some (let me repeat that, SOME) blacks really need to do their homework on candidates before they vote for them because they're "black" Look...I'm glad more blacks are reaching high positions, but most of them are used to further an agenda that does NOT have blacks' best interest at heart. Kentanji Brown Jackson is a good example: She's the first black woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court, which is major because little black girls coming after will think to themselves, "If she can do it, I can too". But...will she use her platform to create change or will she be used as a pawn? Only time will tell. Unlike many blacks, I don't support a candidate based on race, I support candidates that align closely with my beliefs.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.