Jul 4, 2013

I Used To Think...

There was a time where I asked myself, "How could some people go through life unmarried?" These people have everything someone could want in a spouse, but somehow love eluded them. I never thought something was wrong with him/her that is preventing them from finding love; I just believed that everyone is deserving of someone to spend their lives with. As I got older, I realized that some people are content being single; doesn't mean they can't find Mr(s). Right, it's just that they're so used to riding solo, that they're no longer concerned about finding a spouse. Some people are indifferent towards relationships; they'll be alright with or without a mate. That comes from being secure in yourself, and knowing your worth. As long as you know your worth, the rest will fall in place. Depending on someone's destiny, a relationship could be a distraction rather than blessing. Take President Obama for example: US President, husband & father. Being U.S. President is hard enough, but to have family responsibilities adds extra pressure. Sherman Hemsley played on The Jeffersons, and Amen. He was unmarried with no children, and he died at 74. Most people would think something's wrong with a person that dies unmarried and no children, but because he was an actor, it was no big deal. I believe God calls some people to marriage, others to be single. This IS NOT an attack on marriage; marriage is a beautiful thing when you're with the right person. It doesn't mean you won't go through trials, just that it's easier to get through rough times with Mr(s). Right at your side. The older I get, the more evolved my thinking becomes on certain topics. I used to see things one way, but now I'm seeing things from all angles.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.