Sep 15, 2015

Peace Over Everything

We all should value peace over being with someone who's about drama; I know I do. Someone needs to hear this real talk from Madea in one of her stage plays, so watch the video:

Men Being Providers & Protectors

This is ONLY in a marriage context: I think many men get in their feelings over being providers & protectors because they don't trust their spouse to hold the house down, which is why some men want a woman to pull their weight. A man should have no problem being a provider & protector if he's done his homework in choosing a godly woman. A good woman understands her role as helpmate; to run the house while he's getting the money for his family. If a man can't trust his spouse to take care of the house while he's at work, what is he doing with her? Some men bring woman trouble on themselves because they're too busy looking at her assets rather than her domestic skills. The inspiration for this blog comes from a Facebooker by the name of Maurice Hutt. 
He posted a message saying how a man should have no trouble taking care of a household on his salary, which I agree to some extent. Given his education & skillset, and the amount of debt, a man should be able to take care of a household singlehandedly. Going further, if a man makes $100K annually or greater with NO DEBT and he has other income streams, then he shouldn't need his woman to work because he makes more than enough to sustain a household. The keyword in my statement was NO DEBT, meaning debt freedom or close to being debt free must be a reality. Otherwise, it's gonna be tough for a household to survive on one income. While he's working, the woman is at home taking care of the children and keeping the house in order (laundry, cooking & cleaning). 
Once the husband comes home from a long day at work, he's free to relax because he knows his wife handled household operations while he worked. Both couples have the rest of the day to enjoy themselves. My final thought: If men didn't pick bummy women, they would be able to support a household on their salary. While he's working, she's taking care of the home. It's a win-win for both because the husband comes home to a clean home and cooked meal, and the wife feels valued for her contributions to the house.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.