Mar 21, 2015

Book Review: The Harbinger

I've read The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn, and have attended the Thursday evening classes taught at my church. The Harbinger is a must-read for the following reason: It's far more than a prophetic warning to the United States; it's an unveiling of God's ways. Cahn carefully unfolds how God renders judgment of a nation in balance with his compassion. I've read the book twice and each time, I realize that society is blind to God's ways and in awe of how thorough God's warnings are. The Harbinger is the most precise scriptural revelation of God's American passion. The message is critical: America must heed the warning and turn back to the one who once blessed this nation. The book uncovers the mystery behind 9/11, the Iraq war, Wall Street Crash, America's future, and other events. Looking at the state of society, anyone can see America has turned it's back on God. What was once taboo, has now become acceptable. Christians can't speak out against immorality without being called intolerant, Bible thumper, etc. Prayer was taken out of schools because one woman got in her feelings. Where was the church? The church was sleep because God's people let one woman determine the course of America. As soon as prayer was taken out of all facets of American life, I knew it was a matter of time before America fell apart. 9/11 struck, followed by the Iraq war, the economy collapsed, and the gay & lesbian community is showing their behinds with their lifestyle. Back then, homosexuality was taboo. Gays had to keep their lifestyle on hush status, but as time changed, gays & lesbians have become comfortable with their lifestyle and decided to put it in the open. I guess they forgot what God did to Sodom & Gomorrah: God destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah based on the cities' depravity. An unintended consequence of removing God out of American government is people getting in their feelings about why God allowed this and that to happen.
When you remove God from American government, the devil creeps in and wreaks havoc. I'm tired of hearing people complaining about why God allowed calamity to happen. God didn't intend for society to turn out the way it did, but because America turned its back on God, God took his protective hand off this nation. In doing that, America is vulnerable. Until America turns back to God, more of this nonsense will continue happening: children suffering from disabilities, famine, war, crime & violence, etc.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.