Jun 18, 2015

Dr. Umar Johnson Is In Love With A Stripper

Dr. Umar Johnson, the Prince Of Pan-Africanism as he calls himself, is one of the most outspoken public figures in the black community. He was recently exposed for chasing a stripper, which some say was out to bring him down from the very start; and did she ever. Because this "conscious stripper" brought Dr. Umar Johnson down, his credibility may be shot. Read the following article for more information: 

This topic has gone viral on Facebook, as it has generated 100+ comments in a FB group I'm active in. Let me post some of the comments on this topic:

Maurice Wilkerson-I don't feel sorry for him or men that make dumb and reckless choices when they know what can happen.
Tammie Jones- I mean, can we really hold a stripper accountable for being scandalous? It's a stripper for Pete's sake, are we really expecting her to have integrity? She's not bogus, she's being true to herself, Dr Umar on the other hand.......

Kelli Michel'e-A wise man once told me: "Avoid dealing with people who have nothing to lose. There's no reason for them to not bring you to their level." And he was right.
June 16 at 11:54pm · Unlike · 14

Kelli Michel'e-I believe anyone intent on destroying any movement meant to empower Black people, and in her case, empower her three fatherless sons is bogus. But she's been that...it's definitely not new. Lol He's just reaping exactly what he's sown.

Freedom Reigns-Personally I think some of us put people up on a higher scale, and we expect them to do and act in a certain manner, because some of us can't showcase what we expect leaders to do. And when they don't, some of us get mad and tear them down for the same shit we do.

Wonderful Watson Keep in mind what you say and do can heavily influence those who contribute to your cause (i.e., sponsors).
Yesterday at 5:53am · Unlike · 7

Richard Hudson-If you're an influential person, why would you put yourself in compromising situations? People should know better. Leaders have a bull's-eye on their back; people are waiting for them to slip, and look what he did, he did JUST what people wanted him to do. As a leader, you're held to a higher standard.

Jerome Bolden Hes a man, like everyone else he is flawed, this by no way excuses him using poor discretion but his vision heart and drive is in the right place as far as building this school, human error is just THAT! We gotta quit using what we know we all fall short of. To Jeff Green point its really no crime, hes a man that likes what men likes, now if he was married then you can look at him sideways, he a single man doing what single men do, it just cost him this time.

I would still support his cause because the cause is much bigger than the indiscretion, except us as moronic human beings wanna make the indiscretion > cause
23 hours ago · Like · 1

Richard Hudson-It doesn't change the fact that when you're in the public eye, all eyes are on you. Booty has brought down some of the most powerful men of all time, and still some of these thirsty weak negros don't learn. This chick was looking for a reason to come up, and guess what? She came up at his expense. She had nothing to lose, and she brought this man down.

Wonderful Watson Repeat (loudly)...LACK OF PHALLIC CONTROL IS VERY EXPENSIVE!!! Brothers...How many of you know men personally who lives have been RUINED over what some of you simply refer to as a "PIECE OF ASS"???? When will we as a collective group of human beings burn it into our minds that tapping the wrong piece of ass can cost you more than you bargained for? It's not about whether a crime was committed or not. It's not about being perfect or not. HECK, this isn't even about being human. THIS is about making sure that the most powerful organ that is used is the one between your ears and not the one between your legs.
23 hrs · Unlike · 7

Wonderful Watson This is my last statement. I LIKE booty...a lot!! I like the way it looks and feels. However, I refuse to allow that delicious and succulent booty cost me my marriage, home, livelihood, reputation and dignity. With all of the great things I can say about the booty, it just ain't worth all of that.

K Nichole Jones-So wait.....if this were a prominent and high-profile woman who got caught up with some gigaho, low-life, we would blame her and say she should have known better. There would be no excuses and saying "she's human". But because he is a man, he gets a pass for using poor judgment??? GTHOHWT!!

Vince Carthane Private life does matter when u a public leader or seeking to be a leader because if you can't be loyal to your wife or loyal to what you teach, why should the public trust u to be loyal to them???
21 hrs · Unlike · 4

Freedom Reigns-Esli Lafeuillee today's men aren't the same as they were generations ago, the thinking process, how we used to bond as men, etc. Everything is different. Some men nowadays cant even tell their women how they really feel, without repercussions. I understand exactly where you coming from, but being a Man today isnt how it used to be. They say humans are the smartest species. But are We really?
21 hrs · Unlike · 2

Richard Hudson-As long as some men continue succumbing to their flesh, they will continue to pay in more ways than one. But hey, it's not my business that some men are dumb enough to throw away everything they've worked for over some tail. 

The fact remains that a public figure has no private life. Everything (s)he says and does is up for scrutiny. I swear some of these men are something else; they act like booty is a powerful drug like Molly. Like, they're going to die if they can't get booty.

I'll tell you what: A man has the right to get all the booty he wants, but he must understand it comes with a cost. Baby mama drama.

The original thread had over 100 comments, but these are some of the comments that stood out to me. My belief is that as a public figure, you're under greater scrutiny. What may seem innocent to you, won't be to others, so that's why it's important to watch everything you say and do because there are people waiting for a public figure to foul up, and they swarm in like pirahnas with criticism. I get that no leader is without faults, they're human just like you and me. Leadership is about leading by example, and if a leader can't govern his/her life with discretion, how can (s)he lead others? They can't because they don't have their personal lives in order.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.