Jun 30, 2021

Extending Life With No Quality


What's the point of extending someone's life with no quality? A loved one is suffering from dementia or a stroke; they're not themselves, and some family members are so selfish that they'd rather keep their loved one alive as long as possible even though they're suffering. It's not fair to the loved ones or the person. I guess people do it out of love, but for me, it would be torture to be "maintained" on earth. I truly don't understand the mentality. I feel like we are more loving with our pets, that we know when they are suffering and can let them go. But with humans, we think it's some duty to extend life as much as possible even in a sub-human state that will only get worse. I've heard it often said the family's dependent on the patient's social security &/or retirement checks, so if the patient passes away, those checks stop. Or, it could be the family can't bear to let go so they hold on for as long as possible. Either way, if someone's not in their right mind, it's best to let them go even though it's difficult.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.