Sunday Thoughts:
1. Women who say “real men don’t argue with women” are toxic because some of them want a license to be disrespectful to him without him checking her. Miss me with that.
2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all. Special condolences to those who have lost (including being estranged) loved ones during Christmas.
3. Life can take you on a rough journey, but the hard times will pass.
4. The first 4 letters of my name will determine my future financial status.😎💪🏾
5. My oldest niece Amya (she’s 21) said something that made lots of sense regarding the older & younger generation in church: A lot of young people are turned off by church because of the older saints. Some of them are judgmental & act like they’ve been perfect all their lives. Wow…and she’s right. I applaud young people for choosing NOT to get caught up in that nonsense. It’s better to church hop than sit in a church where you’re not fed spiritually. Until you find a solid church, where people KEEP IT REAL…nurture your own relationship with God.
Note: I’ve heard all the cliches: Keep your eyes on God, not man, no church is perfect, we all fall short, etc. Nobody’s expecting Christians to be perfect, just KEEP IT REAL.