Jan 25, 2012


It's about that time of year again, the time where presidential candidates travel across the country and solicit votes from citizens. They make promises on what they're going to do once they get into office. Just about every campaign involves mudslinging; candidates airing each other's dirty laundry. It's ridiculous to me because I thought most people grew out of that nonsense but I guess not. Instead of focusing on the issues, the Democrats and Republicans are too busy bickering like clowns. One side doesn't want to bend to the other and vice versa. Look, both sides need to cut this nonsense out and work together to get America back on track. I watched President Obama's State Of The Union address and it was on point. Valid points were made and essentially Obama called out both sides and said that we need to work together to get America back on track. I enjoyed the initiatives he laid out for education, unemployment, job creation, etc.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.