Aug 27, 2017

Sunday Thought: Following God

I get it, we all have our comfort zones (myself included). Once we get to our successful place, we become content because we feel as if we've accomplished all we've set out to do. One issue: God has so much more for his children that we don't have time for contentment, let alone comfort. If God has better for you that required him taking you elsewhere, why wouldn't you want to go? One of my FB friends Babette Glenn gave a good answer: Because they don't have the vision to see where he's taking them. That answer is confirmation that some believers don't trust God's leading like they say. It's easy to say, "God, I'll go where you lead me", but when it comes time to follow God, some believers find excuses not to follow Him. I enjoy my comfort zone, but if God has better for me elsewhere, I'm going.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.