Mar 27, 2013

Is It Our Business?

Is It Our Business when politicians have affairs? Yes and No. Yes, because they are in a position of authority and are supposed to conduct themselves in & out of office. No, because as long as they are doing what they're supposed to do, what they do in their private life is not my concern. That depends on how important it is to know their integrity, morals, values, and honesty. It is difficult to manage/organize another person's house, when yours is in shambles. How we conduct ourselves defines our character. It's said that character is how you act when no one's watching you. It's easy to be upstanding when eyes are on you, but another to maintain your integrity when no one's watching you. When you're tested, are you holding true to your beliefs? The problem is, many politicians act one way in the public eye, and are different when they're alone. In light of politicians being busted for cheating & corruption scandals, I say it's important for voters to know a politician's character. Voters are responsible for getting them in office, so WE have more power than we realize. Let's be honest, politicians are using taxpayers' dollars to be scandalous, so that's more than enough reason to make it our business. I have known some decent politicians (or so it appears) that have been pledged with scandal yet, performed acceptable as politicians. However, I can not deny that there will not be a lack of trust in the back of my mind whether a person who does honor their marriage; would honestly honor and represent voters with more loyalty than his personal marriage commitment.

Double For Your Trouble

Job 42:10-The Message (MSG)

10-11 After Job had interceded for his friends, God restored his fortune—and then doubled it! All his brothers and sisters and friends came to his house and celebrated. They told him how sorry they were, and consoled him for all the trouble God had brought him. Each of them brought generous housewarming gifts.
Job 42:10 speaks of God giving Job double for his trouble. Job had experienced great loss, and as a result of his loss, he interceded for his friends. God honored his prayer by restoring his fortune, AND doubling it in the process. Anything we go through in life, whether it's through no fault of our own or God-ordained, God will give his children double for their trouble. If someone is going through a fiery trial, this is helpful because it keeps you focused on trying to get to the other side. Otherwise, what's the use of going through a fiery trial for no payoff? There's no benefit in that. I'm believing God to give ME double for my trouble, because I've been through so much in my life. It was easier to quit, but I'm too stubborn to do so! God will give his children double for their trouble, if they just hold on. It's easier said than done, because you have periods where the situation gets worse and gradually improves; and periods where you are seeing a change in your situation. It takes a wise person to know which category they're in. Job 42:10 is one of the most encouraging scriptures I can read, because it keeps me focused. It helps me to continue trusting God for deliverance. When you read Job 42:10, the thought of giving up doesn't cross your mind, and if it does, you rebuke that thought. I don't know about you, but I would rather hang in there until the end and get my breakthrough, then quit and have to start over. Negative.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.