Mar 6, 2019

For Better Or Worse: Steve TV Show

Dan Gasby’s wife, B. Smith, suffers from dementia. He shares his home with her and his live-in girlfriend. So, Steve had to ask the Straight Talk panel: are you obligated to care for your partner, even if they don't remember you?"
I can imagine the flak the husband in this discussion got from the audience. His wife is sick, and he has a live in girlfriend to help care for her. The live-in girlfriend could be a caregiver so she may be experienced enough to help him care for her properly. Anyway, the fact that this discussion took place signals how far marriage has fallen in society. Between the side piece movement and a married (w0)man having in a live-in mate, it's a wonder people get married in today's world. After listening to the above video, I feel like this: If you're not ready to care for your terminally ill spouse, you have no business getting married. Marriage isn't all sunshine & rainbows, it involves times where the bad outweighs the good, but you honor the vows you took in front of God and that person. 
Miracles happen daily, and God could heal your spouse. Their last memory would be of you leaving them during their illness, and here you go trying to get back with them. You couldn't be there when they needed you, but you want to be there for them now that they're healthy? I don't respect that. You are obligated to care for your partner in sickness and health, even if they don't remember you. They may not remember, but God does.
I respect the honesty of some people when they say they're torn because not everyone can handle caring for a terminally ill spouse. While happiness is important in marriage, more often than not, marriage involves sacrifice, compromise and selflessness.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.