Nov 7, 2014

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

Today's blog message is titled Hollering At The Boss. We have a 30-something woman who's involved with her boss. They work at the same company, but the catch is: The boss is married. I wonder how his wife would feel if she knew he was carrying on with one of his subordinates. Sadly, women having relations with their male bosses isn't anything new. My thing is, she could have any man she wanted, but she goes for a man in authority. I can't be mad because women are attracted to men in power, so maybe she linked up with him because he can help her move up. If that's the case, more power to her. If not already, I suggest she keeps her professional and personal life separate, because there's nothing worse than your company finding out you have a relationship with your superior. Make it so bad, he's married and he's this reckless? Shameful. He doesn't know who his wife knows at the company, and he's carrying on like the mess isn't wrong. 
He better cover his tracks and hope his wife doesn't find out, because he's going to be a homicide case on First 48. Women don't play that infidelity mess, especially if they've been faithful. Depending on how deep their relationship is, breaking up could be detrimental to her professional life. People can be very nasty when you don't want to be with them anymore, and it's worse when that person is your boss. Giving assignments with unreasonable deadlines, just trying to discredit you at every turn. Besides, most companies have strict policies against romantic involvement between superiors and subordinates. I don't see this ending well at all, because someone's going to slip up and that's when the mess will hit the fan. While she has the chance, she better cut the relationship loose because if not, she's going to find herself in a world of mess, largely from the boss's wife. Shakes head at how sorry some women can be; she can't get a man of her own so she has to go for her boss. Some people DO NOT respect their relationship.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.