Aug 5, 2022

Morning Chronicles

I’m starting a series of Morning Thoughts, because I have to air some stuff out, and what better day to start than the morning?

Morning Chronicles (Inspired by John King Johnson)

1. The church’s 501c3 tax exempt status should be stripped. It will expose who’s in ministry for fame & fortune, as well as who’s passionate about souls.

2. Why do some blacks wear hard times/struggle as a badge of honor? Black Christians are good for this as many of them love to say, “I’m praising God in the midst of the storm” I get that life isn’t perfect, but at some point, you should want an easy life, if not for you then your children.

3. Carolyn Bryant, the white lady who had Emmett Till killed has been cursed: She lost more than one of her sons, and had to live as a recluse for the last 20+ years until she was found recently. This lady had the nerve to say she feels Mamie Till (Emmett Till)’s pain?🤦🏾Cut the crap. One mother’s pain is from a lie YOU told that got a young man killed; the other is guilt from lying. They’re not the same. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.