Jan 3, 2013

10 Babies Momma Rapper Shawty Lo & Tommy Sotomayor!

I follow Tommy Sotomayor on Facebook and he says real stuff. He doesn't care if you dislike him or not. His mindset is if it applies, fix it. We need more outspoken commentators like Tommy that aren't afraid to tell it like it is. I've heard that rapper Shawty Lo has his own show that features his 10 babies moms. 1 baby mama is enough but 10? Make it so bad, he has 11 children by these different women. Since he's not selling any records, reality TV must be his last stop. This is coonie buffoonery at its finest and is exactly why some blacks are made a mockery of. When you parade ratchetness all over the media, this is what happens. But hey, that's what people want to see so who am I to judge? Knowing me, I'll most likely watch anyway because for me, it's entertainment. It will teach me who and what NOT to be in life. That got me thinking, if Shawty Lo can get a reality show, what's my excuse? All I have to do is parade around like a clown and rack up $200K per episode. Then again, I couldn't embarrass myself on national TV like that.

I Cheat Because I Love You

*Sigh*. I've heard & read a lot of stupid statements but this one takes the cake. A Facebooker by the name of Tiara Lee posted the following status: "Yeah he mess around with other girls, but at the end of the day he knows where his home at" LOL! Do some women REALLY believe this fecal matter? I hope some women are joking when they make asinine statements like this because if not, I have to wonder how low their self-esteem is to believe this. When someone cheats, they don't love you. They cheat because of a void that's missing in their relationship. They feel like the grass is greener on the other side so that's what drives a man or woman to cheat. It's amazing the kind of crap that some women (and men) let come out of their mouths. Let me tell my lady "I mess around with other women, but at the end of the day I know where home is" and she'll look at me like I'm stupid and probably inflict bodily harm. I wouldn't put her through that because if I get into a relationship, the only eyes I will lay on is my woman. I'm too good of a man to cheat on my woman because of what it'll do to me and her. I would get an uneasy feeling about having cheated on my lady because I knew I did wrong, especially if she's been faithful to me. My thing is, if you're going to cheat then leave. Why cheat anyway? If you're not satisfied, then do yourself and your partner a favor and bounce. No sense in hurting her and you looking crazy after she finds out (because she will). If a man messes around with other women, he DOES NOT know where his home is at because if he did, he would think about what his cheating will do to his woman. A man that knows what he has at home looks forward to coming home to his woman every day. He knows that if his woman gives him a reason to come home everyday, he will not stray.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.