Jul 9, 2015

Teresa Marie: What Is Gossip?

Shout out to one of my Facebook friends for this status. She broke down what it means to gossip. Read On:

Teresa Marie
15 hrs · 
I saw this in my news feed and had to share it!!!
Gossip is discussing anyone in a negative way without their knowledge or presence....
Even if you would say it to their face... Yet you say it behind their back out of there presence..
It Is Still GOSSIP. 
Gossip is telling someone's personal business, even if it is not necessarily negative
( it's still NOT your business)
Gossip is venting complaints about another person to someone other than the person your complaint is about (even if it is valid).
Gossip is hinting at another individual even if you keep their name undisclosed. (Spirit knows)
Gossip is being a silent party to the negative chatter of others. Even if you never say a single word, your presence is agreement and therefore promotion of this TOXIC energy.
Gossip is judgment energy. Judgement suggests seperation. When I judge my neighbor I am essentially saying that I am different/ separate/ better than they are.... When in reality we are all one. Just living life surviving comfortably.
This will keep one from the purpose of spreading Light, having compassion, and experiencing personal growth. Like all energy, gossip attracts like energy ( more judgment, more gossip) producing karma that must be balanced.
*Encourage rather than tear down
*Nurture the gifts, talents, strengths of others rather than expose their weaknesses
*Hold your neighbors accountable to a higher standard of peace and remember.
(No One Can Gossip Alone)
Have a blessed day.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.