May 8, 2014

I'm Just Being Honest!

Today's blog message is a spin on Future's song "Honest". Here we go:
1. 1993-2001 were great years for the US: Unemployment low, college grads getting jobs fresh out of school, I'm being honest.
2. Employers have no right to complain about the lack of qualified employees if they're going to pay them peanuts. Someone with solid education, skillset and experience should demand a higher salary. I'm being honest.
3. There was a time where marriage was valued. Those times are long gone; I'm being honest.
4. Everyone and their mother has a reality show. It seems like making a fool of yourself yields fame & fortune. Sign me up! I'm being honest.
5. How can a man call himself the head of household if he's making less than his woman, or he's a stay-at-home dad? I'm being honest.
6. 1 in 88 children have autism & of that number, the diagnosis is 1 in 54 for boys. Crazy statistics; I'm being honest.
7. Grown men arguing for the right to fuss like women on social media. That's crazy, I'm being honest.
8. When you have peace of mind, everything else falls into place. I'm being honest.
9. Apollo Nida (Phaedra Parks husband) is looking at serious jail time. I feel bad for his sons because kids don't need to see one or both parents locked up. I'm being honest.
10. Miami Heat is going to have an easy road to a 3peat. The only teams I see as a problem are San Antonio and Indiana. Indiana struggled to beat Atlanta, so that's probably one less thorn. I'm being honest.
11. Jameis Winston needs to grow up, seriously. Stealing crab legs? He's not in high school anymore so he should conduct himself better. I guess he feels invincible since he got off for sexual assault. I'm being honest.
12. Debt freedom is something everyone should strive for. There's nothing like getting paid and not having a mortgage, student loan or any type of debt.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.