Sep 17, 2014

When You're In The Spotlight...

If you've been following the news, you know Ray Rice has been in hot water for domestic violence against his wife. Video surfaced of Ray Rice having an altercation with his woman, and apparently he instigated the fight, she retaliates by spitting on him, then he knocked fire from her. Make it so bad, she's standing by him through this ordeal. She's been accustomed to a good life, so she's not trying to lose it. The shopping trips, vacations, etc. Many women benefit from living lavish off their professional athlete/actor mates, so I guess they feel like it's too difficult to start over by leaving their abusive men. Is staying with an abusive spouse worth the luxury one becomes accustomed to? For a person who values peace of mind, no. For someone who doesn't have much self-worth, yes. It boils down to what a domestic violence victim is willing to put up with. Adrian Peterson got in hot water for alleged child abuse, so the NFL is trying to make an example of him and Ray.
Adrian Peterson and Ray Rice were suspended indefinitely by their respective teams, and I'm sure they lost millions in income and endorsements. That goes to show you that companies place high value on moral character. When you're in the spotlight, you must watch your conduct. All eyes are on you, whether you like it or not. The slightest infraction, it's off with your head. Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson are two of the best players in the NFL, and I hope they learn from their situations. Adrian Peterson got in trouble for disciplining his child due to marks left on his son's body; the kid is 4. Here's my thing: If anyone was raised in a black household, spankings were the norm. Many people were whooped with switches, belts, anything that wasn't nailed down. Black parents aren't about that "you're grounded" life. Many black parents will tell you once, and if you don't listen, here comes the belt. Some black parents will ground their children, but not many.
Everywhere you turn, someone famous has legal issues. At what point do celebrities realize that they're role models, whether they want to be or not? Knowing that, it behooves them to conduct themselves of the highest standard, because as with Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson, there's too much to lose. In the end, it's not worth sacrificing a good life just because your spouse wants to act stupid. I feel like this: If I'm a celebrity, I'm living low key. I don't like a lot of people in my business anyway, so it would be easy for me to stay out of trouble. Too bad many athletes and celebs don't think like I do.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.