Jan 8, 2015

Who Would You Be With?

The following question was posted in one of my FB groups: If you had a choice, would you? 
(A) Be with someone who loves you unconditionally, but you have very little in common with them.
(B) Someone who claims they love you and they're argumentative, but you two have a lot in common.

I'm choosing A because unconditional love can make up for the lack of things my lady & I have in common. As we're getting to know each other, we will find something in common. There's something that drew us together, so the challenge is finding out what it is and building on that. Folks should want peace in their relationship with their mate(s), and the last thing someone wants is Round 2 with their (wo)man. From the time one steps outside their door, they're faced with the day's challenges. If they've had a bad fight with their spouse prior to work, that may carry over into their job: They're irritable & they stay to themselves by focusing on their job. This keeps them from going off on colleagues. I don't care how much a woman may say she loves me; if we're having more arguments than good times, something's wrong. Forget about that nonsense that says: Arguing is healthy. There is nothing healthy about fussing. If she can't act right, she will get left.
I'm trying to figure out what's so healthy about arguing. Think about it, you and your spouse are always arguing and making up, fuss than act lovey dovey. Bump that because the way I'm set up, if we can't have a rational discussion without either of us getting in our feelings, maybe we don't need to be together. The only ground you will gain is if the arguing stops IMMEDIATELY. Relationships are for building, and I have little tolerance for arguing and snidy behavior. If I'm giving my all to make her happy, then she has no right to have attitude with me. Get yourself in order prior to coming home. Your (wo)man doesn't need to feel your wrath. Unfortunately, some people are so used to discord that they frown upon having a peaceful relationship. It's as if they feel like a relationship isn't healthy if there's some discord. They can have the discord, and I'll choose the unconditional love from a woman I may not have anything in common with. Knowing me, I'll find something we have in common.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.