Aug 25, 2016

Boyfriend Keeps Cell Phone In Pocket

 Why do some women insist on seeing their man's cell phone at the risk of being upset upon what's discovered? If you look for something, you're bound to find it. She set herself up to be upset when she looked through her man's phone and discovered another woman's number. I'm not condoning his actions because he's dead wrong. If you have to sneak around on your mate, why are you with them? It takes more work to cheat on your mate than it does to be honest. To be honest, she answered her own question (like many other Strawberry Letter writers do who write Steve about advice on cheating mates), but she's looking for justification. It's sad that some women feel that half a man is better than no man, which is why some of them tolerate cheating men. He's doing what she allows. If he knows he can get away with cheating on her, he will continue doing so because she doesn't have the guts to check him. She has the power to change her situation, and until she does, no advice will help her.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.