Jun 21, 2015

Question From A Friend

I got this post from someone's Facebook page, and I think it sheds light as to what's happening in Black America, and society as a whole.

QFAF (Question From A Friend): True or False: The black community imitates the black church in that when the head is removed (The MAN) from the household/church, the followers (The WOMEN) run out of control...this is the plan of the New World Order.

False in the greater sense...that the black community as a whole, doesn't not reflect the Christian church at all. If it did, we wouldn't have a fraction of the issues we're facing. We need to stop playing church because we'll go and cut up, but there's no redeeming power in just going to the building and then Monday-Saturday, just doing whatever you want to do. It's about becoming more spiritual by developing a personal relationship with our Creator, and not just go through the motions or being religious; there's a huge difference between the two. And when the New World Order is fully implemented, the religious and non-religious folk alike will wish they did have a personal relationship with God, and of course before dying which will probably occur prior to the NWO, which still has a way to go because Christians all over the world are impeding it's full implementation, but the signs are there, we're just getting bits and pieces of it here and there, but they're slowly turning up the heat the way you'd boil a frog. Before you realize it, you're cooked! If you don't really know HIM, now is the time, before it's too late.

My View: I think this post is spot on because men are the head, and if the head's not right, it trickles down to the rest of the family. Satan knows this, which is why he's attacking manhood full force. From this gay agenda to absentee fathers, men are under attack. Manhood is under attack because many people realize that a powerful, educated man is dangerous. He can do damage with his mind, and that's what most people fear. I'm not going to get into single moms wishing themselves Happy Father's Day, because we know that would be a long post. I'll address that some other time.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.