Nov 1, 2012

Some Things I Will Never Understand Pt. 2

Life is tough enough but to have a debilitating condition makes life 10x harder because you didn't ask for a disability. Most disabilities are genetic/hereditary so they come through no fault of your own. Couples NEED to do their homework on their family's health history to find out if there are disabilities or health conditions that run in the family and if so, they need to reconsider having a child. No child should have the odds stacked against them, EVERY child should be born healthy so I think it's foul that some children are born healthy and others are born with birth defects/disabilities. (some children are multi-disabled having more than one disability). This is what happens when you live in a fallen world. You can pray that God gives you a healthy child with no disabilities (and he will) but some things happen that are out of our control. Yes, I'm inspired by people who don't let their disability stop them from doing big things but deep down, they want to be whole and if they don't, they're lying. Break The Cycle! If disabilities run in your family, why would you have a child knowing he/she would inherit that condition? Genetics can be a blessing & curse. Conversely, people don't realize how blessed they are because there's someone that would love to be in their shoes.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.