Jun 1, 2020

Enough Is Enough Pt. 2: Fighting Injustice With Prayer & Action

As a Christian, I have to be real: Why is prayer the go-to strategy for believers whenever there's racial injustice or a disaster? I get it, the world's issues can be traced back to sin. Since Adam & Eve disobeyed God, sin & turmoil entered the world and it reflects what we see today. The issue is that many Christians expect the world to tackle this from a Biblical standpoint, which I understand to an extent, but not everyone believes in prayer so some Christians can't expect non-believers to understand this from a Christian standpoint. A better question is where has peaceful protest gotten us? We've been praying for justice, to be met with injustice. We've been praying for equality, and we're met with inequality. At what point can the black community start fighting back?
Look, peaceful protests may have worked for the old-school generation, but today's generation isn't having it. They're tired of racial injustice and are fighting back. Today's young generation is tired of not being heard so they're going to MAKE people hear them. I don't agree with destroying innocent people's property because that's stupid. The innocents had nothing to do with the injustice so why go after them? Go after the real issue (criminal justice system, law enforcement, & government [federal, state & local]): RACISTS IN POWER. The worst racists are those in authority because their bias shows in the laws, policies & procedures they make. If you get rid of racists in power positions & elect ethical people in power positions, things will change.
Prayer changes things when action follows. You can't pray for change and do nothing, which is what many Christians don't get. Even the Bible says faith without works is dead.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.