Oct 2, 2015

Testing The Waters

Today's blog message is called Testing The Waters. You're meeting a person for the first time to see if there's compatibility. Everything's going smoothly so you two agree there could be a future together, so you continue moving forward with one another. I have one question: What's with couples "testing" each other? You're going to intentionally make someone mad just to gauge their reaction. You want to see how they handle anger. To me, that's playing games and I don't have that patience. You don't have to make someone mad to see how they handle anger. All you have to do is observe. People will get upset on their own and how YOU see someone handle anger should tell enough. I've been tested all my life, and I refuse to be tested by a supposed "queen". Where do they do that at? Another thing, while you're busy testing your mate, most likely they're busy testing you; so be sure you can handle what you put out.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.