Apr 9, 2013


*Women can't be thirsty, right? Wrong. Myra from Family Matters was a perfect example of a thirsty woman. Think about it, she was all over Steve Urkel and wanted to sex him every chance they got.
*Steve Urkel was a simp because he kept trying to win Laura's affection when she rejected him over & over.
*Liberty City vs. South Beach (Miami): In The Miami Streets, you're surviving life. On South Beach, you're living life. Sounds spot on to me.
*Good TV died after the 90's. Everybody and their mama coming out with reality shows, and most of these so-called reality shows aren't REALITY.
*There should be prerequisites for parenting, because some people DO NOT deserve children. You have people that WANT children, but can't conceive
*Contrary to popular belief, things are as they seem.
*Don't Waste Another Minute.
*Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.
*The good thing about working from home is that I don't have daily commutes, which can put wear & tear on my car. I make a lot more money (while working full-time) & have unlimited overtime, and I actually like the company I work for and my co-workers.
*When you treat people like they want, they don't appreciate it. Treating people like they deserve, you keep yourself from being hurt.
*There's a good & bad to everything.
*You can't be a real man, and be a little emotional.
*Why should a man stop running around being a whore, when there are women who will give him what he wants?
*There was a time where music was actually good.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.