May 6, 2015

Churches Here, There & Everywhere

No matter where you go, you're guaranteed to find multiple churches in every city, many of which are on the same street. I want everyone to do me a favor: When you get some time, ride down your city's main thoroughfare and tell me how many churches you see. I bet there will be 3 churches lining the main blvd. Why is that? Because preachers don't want to work together. I understand that each minister has their own style, and I get that. At the core, all ministers are doing the same work of trying to lead people to Christ. Because people have different preferences, that could explain why there's multiple churches on the same block or street. Each one feeds believers in a different way. I'm going to keep it real, and some folks may be upset: Some believers will NEVER be satisfied even if they've found the so-called "perfect church". The praise and worship & preaching can be on point, and some believers will still have issue, so gossip spreads, and before you know it, 2/3 of the congregation leaves with the believer.
Don't get me started on some of these ministers: Y'all know the ones that say: God called me to start this and that church, knowing good & well that God doesn't operate in confusion. Be real, some ministers want the fame & fortune that comes with ministry, and some believers follow up behind them. Why? They've got their eyes on man, and not God. A big split happened in my local church where my previous pastor couldn't handle accountability, so he resigned and 2/3 of the congregation went with him. Currently, we have a new minister and I like this couple. They're not about fame & fortune, but they have a genuine concern for souls. I chat with them frequently, and you can sense the warmth from them. I understand starting your own ministry if God has laid it on your heart to do so, but some pastors have hidden agendas for wanting to start their own ministry, mostly fame & fortune. If they're honest with themselves and others, they'll probably admit it too. Everywhere I've been, I see the same thing: Multiple churches on the same block, and I ask myself: How many of those churches are making a difference in the neighborhood(s) they're placed? Hmmmm.....Make it so bad, you see this in mostly black neighborhoods: Multiple churches on the same block all because some black ministers can't seem to work together, even though all are working toward the same goal: Bringing souls to Christ.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.