Aug 19, 2014

The Irony

It's funny how blacks have camraderie during the Ferguson situation, but that same togetherness is nowhere to be found when blacks exterminate each other daily. Where are these marches for the thousands of murdered blacks annually? I'll tell you where: Nowhere. Blacks pick and choose what to be outraged about. Take George Zimmerman: Blacks were raising all manner of hell when Zimmerman shot down Trayvon Martin (RIP to Trayvon by the way), but went back to business as usual. What are you looking at? Don't make me blast you, etc. Some blacks need to have several seats because all they're doing is embarrassing themselves. You can march for Michael Brown, but can't march for the thousands of slain blacks at the hands of other black people. It's said that a black's biggest enemy is someone who looks like him. It's not so much white folks taking blacks out, blacks are killing their own prolifically. The hypocrisy is clearly evident because once this Michael Brown situation blows over, those same blacks will go back to killing each other in the streets. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey and all the fallen black leaders are turning over in their graves; not because blacks are livid over Michael Brown's death, but because they don't have that same outrage when a black murders another black. In conclusion, until blacks can be just as outraged over black on black murders, I don't want to hear or see any blacks marching over the death of an unarmed black person at the hands of a white police officer, or someone of any other race.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.