Mar 4, 2014

Spending $8,000 On Booty

What man in his right mind would spend $8,000 on booty at the strip club? If you're Apollo Nida (Phaedra's husband on Atlanta Housewives), that's what you would do. When Kenya Moore made that statement, it reminded me of how messed up some people's priorities are. Spending $8,000 on booty is nothing to write home about; it's booty for goodness sake! If you're me, you're going to take that $8,000 and invest it or tithe 30%. I can't see myself going to a strip club, let alone spend thousands of dollars at one. Not everyone has good financial sense, and I'm ok with that. I'm sorry, but I laughed so hard inside when Apollo said he spent $8,000 at the strip club on booty. That's the dumbest thing ANYONE could do; then again, I don't put nothing past anyone.
No booty is worth $8,000; I'm being real with you. Here's my thing: What's the appeal about strip clubs? You pay to look at some woman gyrate on stage, and possibly give you a lap dance. I'm not understanding the appeal because I've never been to a strip joint, nor do I have the desire. Don't patrons realize these girls gyrate on men every night? At some strip clubs, you can even touch or sex the stripper in the VIP room. With so many diseases running around, the last thing people need is worries of catching something. I still can't get over how Apollo, or any man for that matter can drop 8 stacks on booty. LOL...hilarious. Some of these men are bananas. If I'm going to spend $8,000 on something, it better be worthwhile.
I could do a lot with $8,000: Put it into my account, invest it, give a generous donation to a charity I support, etc. Never would I spend 8 stacks on a body part. That's silly to me that anyone would throw money away on foolishness, but it happens. When the time comes to really need money, you don't have it because you spent it on booty.


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.