Dec 25, 2012

On Your Level

Read the following letter posted by Nojma Reflects. It was too good NOT to share:

To all the women that say they can’t find a man on their level, what exactly is this “level” that you speak of? What if your “level” isn't appealing to some men, especially if you like to talk about your” haves” and his “have nots”, your independence and his dependency on you? I mean did you ever stop and think that “your” level might be BENEATH his? Sometimes I wonder what type of mirror we as women view ourselves in. Maybe it’s the kind that gives us an optical illusion, you know if you go a fair or a carnival and you go into the house of mirrors, and what is being reflected is not reality? Kind of like that.

Another misconception is that men are intimidated by “successful” women. First of all what is your definition of success? There is nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments, and what you acquire in life. However some women equate success with degrees, nice cars and houses and assume that having those things automatically make them a “good woman”. If that is the case, then why are women able to prosper professionally but suffer personally? Sometimes we as women don’t realize how arrogant some of us have become, and we interpret OUR arrogance as THEIR insecurities or intimidation. What man wouldn't want his woman to have the best in life and be able to GIVE that to her?

So maybe, just maybe.. it’s not so much that you can’t find a man on your level, you just might be suffering from “delusions of grandeur” placing yourself on a “level” that you don’t or haven’t qualified yourself to be on. Sometimes our levels are really superficial and why would a deep Man (mental giant) swim in shallow water?

My $.02 cents: I understand being proud of your accolades but what some women forget is that other women have her same or greater credentials; so what makes her so special that she has to rattle off having a Master's Degree, a nice car and home? Make it so bad, these women are quick to point out their haves and his have nots. Arrogant women will never be a good look in a man's eyes. Let's see how that degree and house/car will comfort you when you're going through rough times and need someone to talk to. It's not that some women can't find a man on their level, it's that many men don't like the product she's marketing so they choose not to invest. You almost never hear of a man boasting about his education or financial/social status, it's usually women because they feel like they have to compensate for some area that's lacking in their lives. If a man talks about his accomplishments, it's from a humble standpoint because he knows bragging is not the move; that's the fastest way to turn people off. Humility is respected over arrogance and until women learn this, they will be alone with nothing more than their housecats.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.