Sep 4, 2015

Free Kim Davis

"Mike Huckabee
Yesterday at 2:03pm

Having Kim Davis in federal custody removes all doubt of the criminalization of Christianity in our country. We must defend religious liberty and never surrender to judicial tyranny. Five, unelected Supreme Court lawyers did not and cannot make law. They can only make rulings. The Supreme Court is not the Supreme branch and it's certainly not the Supreme Being. I am proud of Kim for standing strong for her beliefs. Who will be next? Pastors? Photographers? Caterers? Florists? This is a reckless, appalling, out-of-control decision that undermines the Constitution of the United States and our fundamental right to religious liberty."

Me: Kim Davis was thrown in jail because she wouldn't issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. According to the judge, all Ms. Davis had to do was issue the marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples, and she would've been free. Davis decided to stand firm on Godly principles and look where it got her, behind bars. I salute Ms. Kim Davis for not folding under pressure from the gay mafia. Since the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage, it has been open season on Christianity & religious liberty. Some of the blame lies on Christians because many Christians have LET their rights fade to black. As much as it hurts to say this, I blame Christians for not coming together to fight the gay agenda. See, gays & lesbians have clout because they organize. If they want special treatment, they know how to come together and get things done. 
I salute Kim Davis for honoring her relationship with Christ. Yes, she's in jail because she was disobedient in the eyes of the law, but God's law trumps man's law every time. Ms. Kim Davis should be encouraged that she will be rewarded for taking a stand for Christ. Her reward may not come on earth, but she will be crowned in Heaven, and I think she'll get through this. Christians aren't supposed to co-sign contrary lifestyles, and in God's eyes homosexuality is wrong. By the same token, some Christians take it to extremes by saying "God Hates *&%$". I don't respect that either. The Bible mentions that the world hated Christ, so it should not be surprising that Christianity is under attack. Anytime Christians voice their displeasure with this homosexual agenda, here come the "bible-thumper, bigot, God has no place in society, etc." comments, yet these are the same people who slow sing & flower bring when tragedy strikes.
 If Kim Davis didn't want to issue licenses to same-sex couples, another person could have done so in her place. Ms. Davis shouldn't have been pressured into violating her Christian code. Regardless, Ms. Davis is honored in God's eyes for standing firm in Godly principles. For that, I commend her.

Big Mad Or Little Mad?

Yesterday, a newsclip showed high school students & their coach showing love for Christ before a high school football game in suburban Atlanta. Needless to say, some people got in their feelings. A lady was quoted as saying "God has no place in public schools because some students will take offense." LET THEM GET OFFENDED! I'm sick & tired of people getting in their feelings over high school students showing love for Christ before a football game. Not just a football game, but in general. People are trying to rid God from society, but cry foul when tragedy strikes. I thought you didn't want God involved in societal affairs, but when tragedy strikes, "Where's God?" People running to the church then.
I'm going to be 100% uncut, and I don't care who will be slighted: Don't come running to God when tragedy strikes and in the same breath, try and rid God from mainstream society. It doesn't work that way. Either you want God involved or not, can't have it both ways. Supposedly, the Pledge Of Allegiance is going to be edited to take out "One Nation Under God" because it's "offensive to other religions" I know there's many religions, but let me ask this question: Did Buddha die on the cross for anyone's sins? What about many other "gods"? How many of the gods of Islam, Quran, and other religions have went to the cross and died for their followers sins, and he was innocent? I rest my case. People have no problem standing up for corruption, but when Christians take a stand for Christ, feelings are caught.
I salute those high school students and their coaches for having the guts to stand up for Christ regardless of what flak they've caught from hypersensitive parents, students, etc. Last I checked, this nation was founded on Christian principles, and no matter how people try and stamp out God, they won't win. The second tragedy strikes, unsaved people are slow singing and flower bringing calling this tragedy an "Act Of God" or asking "Where's God"? Cut the crap. Folks wanted God out, they got their wish. Some people are lucky God's merciful even though some people degrade him at every turn.

Women: I’m Not In My Soft Era

No woman should ever complain about NOT being in her soft era.