Nov 14, 2013


Men with money get away with a lot more in a relationship than broke men. Think about it: A man with money can cheat on his lady, do all kinds of lowdown things to her and she'll take him back because women are looking for security. If a man is taking good care of his woman, she's going to overlook a lot she wouldn't normally overlook. Read what 3 facebookers had to say on this issue:
From Kala Brown: Expectations don't change but expectations are always met. With that being said, if your dude was financially set; Took care of you, would you overlook certain things that you normally wouldn't?
Twanna Gill Nope. Because taking care of me means taking care of all of me. So making deposits in my bank account & withdrawals from my heart isn't going to work for me.
Twanna Gill's response was spot on because she's an excellent example of how some women can't be bought. All the money and goodness a man lavishes won't cut it. Many women are making their own money, so they aren't phased by financially secure men. That may work on younger women, but not seasoned women like Twanna. Even if a man's broke & trifling, some women are so desperate for a man that she'll put up with anything if he's laying it down right. No matter how stand-up a woman may be, she's just as susceptible to having this kind of game ran on her. This is why discernment is key. Many men understand women are checking for established men, and some men play on this.
Richard Hudson Many women echo Twanna's sentiment, but sing a different tune with a few well-placed emotions. "Baby I'm sorry, I'll do better. Let me take you out tonight" Woman: Awww...ok hun, I forgive you.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.