Dec 18, 2015

ICYMI: Should I Leave or Let Him Sponsor Me? | Steve Harvey in the Morning | WDAS

When I read these Strawberry Letters, the answers are usually inside the letter as to what the person should do. I'm going to shut this down quick, so let's get to it:

“I mean, will it seem like I'm using him? Would I be wrong for doing
that?”… It's the other way around Miss.
“He says he doesnt love me, and doesnt know if he can have a future with me (There It Is, he's not worried about building a life with her)

He cares for me and doesn't want me to leave, because
I'm the good woman he needs in his life (Translation: Let me PLAY
YOU for as long as I can).

He wants me to have his children (which he would want full custody
of) and says that we would be great parents even if we are not together”
(Not only does he have an EXIT PLAN, but he’s laid it out in detail!)
“He is a really nice person, takes care of me and provides
for me like a man should, but he's a liar and cheater” To her, none of that matters).
“Should I pack up and go, or stay and let him continue being my “sponsor”… (sponsor you for what, YOU SPECIAL olympics?)

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.