Nov 14, 2012

Shortage Of Good Black Women: A Brother's Perspective

Black women complain about a shortage of good black men? Well, after reading this letter there's more of a shortage of quality black women as evidenced in this letter. Here's the letter I cut & pasted from a mutual Facebook friend's wall: 
Shortage. Remember that word guys, shortage? As in inadequate, sorry, gay, criminal and unworthy. Black women have been whining about a shortage for almost 20 years now. They have pretty much complained about some of us, and insulted the rest of us, and they have done it with little to no remorse what-so-ever. I'm going to take this time to express the shortage that I and men like myself have to experience when considering black women as mates. I'm not talking to Thugs, those worthless pieces of filth are lucky anyone is dumb enough to give them the time of day. No, I'm talking about serious, strong, responsible hard working black men, who expect the best in women they choose to date. I'm going to take this post to express the "shortage" in marriageable black women that us black men experience.

Children. It is a fact that well over 70% of single black women have children out of wedlock, on average 2 children by 2 different men. In other words, starting your own family from scratch with a black woman, is about as hard as finding a needle in a hay stack. Believe it or not ladies, not all black men are cool with raising other mens' children, especially 2 or more.

Prison. Black women are the fastest growing prison demographic. Not black men, black women. It is a stat that white male dominated media chooses to keep their own little secret. Men like myself don't want convicts and criminal women for mates anymore than you do ladies.

Education. For every educated black woman there's a ton of illiterate hood rats. Should I pursue these tired hood rat women who no doubt exhibit every quality that makes it a shortage of black women in the first place? Should I convince myself that I have some chemistry with them, chemistry that I know I don't have with hood rats? I don't think so, it's a colossal waste of time for me and other black men with standards.

Weight. Yeah, I know this is a sore subject for black women, but it is a real issue. The fact that 80% of black women are either overweight or obese is alarming if you are considering them for dating and marriage. True, weight is a problem for many people, but black women are the only group with 80% of its population being overweight and obese. No matter what these black magazines that are geared toward black women's mentality may tell you, men are visual creatures, and most of us would not choose an overweight female over a woman that takes care of her body, no more than most black women would choose a broke black guy over one with money. Real talk ladies, 80% is just ridiculous, and to believe men (black, white, red, or yellow) who work hard enough to be able to pick and chose women would ignore healthy in shape women and pursue "big girls" instead, is just unrealistic and lazy.

There it is, if your a black woman, and this pisses you off, SO WHAT! Black men have had our collective faults publicly put on blast by black women for decades now.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.