Nov 7, 2012

Where Do We Go From Here?

The Election Is Over, FINALLY. This election season has been ugly based on the craziness and hateful rhetoric spewed by the Rethuglicans. From Romney catering to the rich to Richard Murdock's comment about abortion, I shook my head at the lengths some people will go to gain presidency. Where Do We Go From Here? Now that Obama has a 2nd term, he's able to enact his strategy for America. Every elected president has spent his first 4 years cleaning up the previous administration's mess. When Obama first got in office, his first 4 years were spent trying to clean up Bush's mess and with a 2nd term, Obama can focus on doing what HE wants. I hope the Democrats and Republicans can come together and stop the bickering. It's time for both parties to come together for the good of America. I do believe Clinton played a major role in Obama's re-election because he was schooling Obama on what to say/not say, do/not do, etc. Clinton endorsing Obama was one of the factors that put him over with citizens. I have to be real, Romney slit his throat too many times. First, the 47% comment. Second, he was talking about cutting Obamacare, the Pell Grant, Social Security, Medicare, etc. Third, Romney put his foot in his mouth too many times and Fourth, his policies were designed for the 1% to benefit. As a candidate, you have to reach out to ALL PEOPLE, not just the 1%. Obama is not only the first black US president, but the first black US president to be elected TWICE. Obama and Romney need to work together from this day forward because after all, they are passionate about the United States. Obama let people know where he stood from Day 1, he never changed his stance on important issues. Romney flip-flopped too much and if you're trying to become President, you cannot waiver in your stance.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.