Mar 4, 2013


Generalizations are valid if you have a majority of people who display contrary conduct. For example, when you were in school and the whole class acted up, the ENTIRE class was punished. It wasn't fair because why should the whole class get punished for one person's misdeeds? It's not fair, but sometimes everyone must suffer for the mistakes of one or a few; this serves as a deterrent to those who are thinking about engaging in wrong conduct. Honestly, I'm tired of hearing some people say "Not all blacks are bad, this, that and the other" That's true, but as the old adage goes: One person can mess it up for everyone. What that statement means is that people judge the whole on the actions of a few: If I'm a business owner and my business was constantly victimized by black ghetto criminals, then I'm going to assume all blacks are criminals and take precautionary measures to protect my investment. Anybody who's had constant negative experiences from a certain group of people, are going to label the entire group based on their bad experiences with a few. Of course, I don't think all blacks are bad, because there are some black people that abide by the law and live right. At the same time, I'm not naive enough to believe some blacks can mess it up for everybody. Every group has good & bad, but when the bad outweighs the good, the decent, upstanding people get lumped in with the ratchets. In today's world, negativity is far more prevalent than positivity. Beauty cannot co-exist with ugly. When you eradicate the ugliness, then you can have beauty.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.