Oct 6, 2021

Animal Cruelty (Pt. 1)


Cruelty to pets is an epidemic in society. I read too many stories of dogs being neglected & surrendered for stupid reasons, and it pisses me off because the dogs can't speak for themselves. They rely on decent humans to care for them, and they give loyalty & unconditional love in return. I have two dogs (one of which is my niece's, but I care for him like he's my own), and I can't imagine neglecting them for any reason, let alone surrender either of them. They've had my back through it all, and I intend to match that loyalty (which I do; they know it). I pray for stiffer penalties for animal abusers because they need to be held accountable for their heinous act. Studies show if you mistreat a pet, you'll mistreat a human, and I'm proven right every time. I despise people who are cruel to animals. How tough does one feel by mistreating an animal? Seriously. If I had the power, animal cruelty would be a felony punishable by jail time. Depending on the severity of the cruelty...death penalty. Some of the animal cruelty stories I read are so heinous that the scumbags can't be rehabilitated, so they need to be done away with. Ever since I've had my dog, I make it a point to fight for pets because they can't fight for themselves. 

I mentioned this on FB, but I'll repeat it: If I was rich, I would build a 24-hour animal shelter for strays and surrendered pets. My shelter would be high-end with a generous play area for the dogs & cats, as well as vet staff on hand 24-7 (in shifts) to give the pets proper care. A buffet area with the best, most tasty dog food for the dogs to eat when they get hungry. None of the pets in my care would be adoptable because people are fickle pet owners: Very few people will care for their pets to the end, and I can't risk adopting one of my pets to the wrong people. Each kennel would have a comfortable bed for the animals.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.