Jul 28, 2015

Broke Folks With Rich Attitudes

The concept of this tweet is for broke folks to stop trying to live above their means. There's nothing worse than a broke person adopting a rich attitude who spends money (s)he doesn't have, that's crazy to me. You're trying to keep up with the Joneses because you see the 8-room house, and the 4 luxury cars in the driveway. What that person doesn't realize about keeping up with the Jones' is two things: 1. The Jones' could be drowning in debt trying to keep up their image. Mr. Jones makes $15 an hour, but his wife doesn't work. He's killing himself to live in a rich neighborhood on what's considered a middle-class salary. 2. The Jones' could be debt free so they can afford to live the "good" life. The husband and wife are top executives at a major corporation, and they have multiple incomes, growing investment accounts, kids in private school, etc. In that instance, the Jones' can afford to live in the best hood possible so their child(ren) can have the best. It's ok to be broke and adopt a rich attitude if you're trying to increase your finances. That's understandable because if someone is broke and they want to increase their cash flow, it would make sense to adopt a rich attitude. Having a rich attitude goes into how you value money; you make your money work for YOU. Sometimes, you have to take a lesser job and come up off that. Use that "lesser" job as a stepping stone to something greater. That builds humility because you're being taught how to be faithful in little. The Bible states you're blessed with greater if you're faithful with least.

You Can Have Sunshine Without Rain

Everyone's familiar with the phrase "You can't have sunshine without rain" In other words, you can't have good times without bad. Because we live in a fallen, sinful world, this is the unfortunate reality. At the same time, we have the power of choice. We have a choice to give or be selfish, spend or save, follow God or Satan, etc. You gain so much more when you give, because you never know when someone will return the favor. You could be in need one day, and someone remembers how you came through for them so they help you out. That's an example of having sunshine without the rain. If you decided to be selfish, you could have said no. The person could do one of two things: 1. Help you out of the goodness of their heart. 2. Help you anyway, but tell you not to come to them for anything else. Here's the catch: They would be within their right to refuse assistance because you didn't help them or someone similar. Because we have free will, that gives us power to create our own sunshine & rain. We can choose to have a sunshine filled life, or we can have a life full of rain, the choice is ours (for the most part.). Again, because we live in a fallen world, situations out of our control will come upon us. Nothing we can do about it, but take life as is daily. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm determined to create my own sunshine in life. I've had too much rain to want anything else. Rain can also be good because it washes away those impurities in our lives so we can shine brighter than before.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.