Mar 25, 2013

What's The Point, Pt. 2

This is a continuation of my previous topic. I closed out with Isaiah 5:20, which states: Doom to you
who call evil good
and good evil,
Who put darkness in place of light
and light in place of darkness,
Who substitute bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!
What that scripture is saying is that good would be called bad, and bad be called good. The times we are living in are proof positive of that. Stand up for what you believe in, when status quo says you should stay on hush status or be shamed. Negativity is too prevalent in order to enjoy the beauty. Beauty cannot co-exist with ugly. We cannot enjoy or focus on the positive as long as we continue perpetuating foolery. Those who stand up for ratchetness use deflective tactics to get rationed folk to stop addressing the issues, and I will not be moved. In fact, it makes me bolder to know I'm shaking things up. If other people want to be cowards, let them. We cannot go back to allowing those destructive blacks to perpetuate what they do more comfortably. Otherwise, things will only get dramatically worse. That would be similar to giving up on positivity and everything good completely. Let those that feel the sting of being shamed in the spotlight, squirm and holler. God is waking people up, and those people should not be comfortable in a messed up, backwards, sinful society. The more outspoken will lead the way. Those people that stand against the ones that are telling the truth, should be made to feel as uncomfortable as possible. They need to realize that this ridiculousness must not continue. You have Facebook pages like The Beauty Of Black Relationships that catch major hell for telling it like it is regarding the dismal state of the black community. The delivery is harsh, but that's what it's going to take to wake the black community up. Time out for powdering behinds.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.