Jan 22, 2016

Strawberry Letter: Mooching Husband

 Her husband is LAZY and doesn’t want to work. I’m sure there were all types of red flags before she married him. Ten years UNEMPLOYED should’ve been more than enough indication of who she married. She enabled him all these years and continues to enable him by tolerating sorry behavior. I don't know any man who would stop working because his wife makes more. Ummmmm.....*long pause*. There's nothing further to say if she doesn't know by now. He's living off her, so why stop now? I'm still stuck on the 10 years unemployment part. If she has children, she needs to tell it like it is TO him and ask him if this is the example he wants to set for his children. Let's be clear, she saw this coming. Mention "unemployed" to today's woman, and she'll side-eye you and leave.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.