Dec 16, 2015

Ayesha Curry Tweet

This was the tweet that set social media on fire. Ayesha got a lot of women in their feelings when she wrote this tweet. They were saying how she's criticizing women's fashion preference, which there was no criticism behind it. All she was saying was that she likes to show her body for her man, which makes sense because a lady should show her goods to her man (if she has one), and not EVERY man. Most of the women who caught feelings were the feminists and "sluts". Under the guise of "liberation", some women want an excuse to wear revealing attire, but get upset when some men see them as a piece of meat. If some women are secure with themselves as they claim, they wouldn't be in their feelings over what Mrs. Curry said, they would shrug it off and keep moving. When some women got in their feelings over her tweet, it means THEY'RE the women Ayesha is referring to. As I say on social media often, if it doesn't apply, let it fly. Personally, I wouldn't want my lady showing her goods to the world. Her body is for MY EYES ONLY.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.