Nov 24, 2015

Enemies, Now Besties

I'm telling y'all, it's hilarious to see fake people acting like best friends. Not too long ago, they were into it with each other and now all of a sudden, they're best friends. Some of us with critical thinking skills know that deep down, you two don't like each other. The only reason you two are faking friendship is for professional or personal reasons. Both of you has something the other wants so y'all are basically using each other for personal gain. I don't co-sign phoniness; If I don't like you, you'll know it by how I distance myself. I don't have to tell someone I don't like them, my fall back game is on point to where they're dead to me. We can be in the same room, and I won't acknowledge their presence unless necessary. Even then, contact is very low, if non-existent.
You don't have to tell somebody you don't like them, just keep your distance and move forward. I don't understand how some folks can keep friendship facades going. These people keke with each other, then dog each other to their friends. Make it so bad, THEIR true friends see right through their mess but they don't say anything. They're saying to themselves "Does (s)he really think we're slow? Stop It." People really need to keep it real with themselves. It's ok to dislike some people; not everyone will like you and vice versa. Nothing wrong with that. What's wrong is kekeing with someone you're into it with, knowing both of you are going to dog each other behind closed doors. People are funny with the fakery.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.