Aug 12, 2016

Why Ask Why?

Why, why, why? Why did this person hurt me and so on? Do people really need an explanation for why people hurt them? They shouldn't, because the guilty person will rarely, if ever take responsibility for their offenses. They'll always find a way to deflect or offer some half-hearted apology. Some people are that foul, so the best course of action is to cut them loose and move on. Stop seeking an apology from someone who will most likely show no remorse for their actions. I'll never understand some people who continually confront their offender(s) looking for an apology for their wrongdoing against them. If someone hurts you, and they haven't made amends, it's a sure sign they don't care. Because they don't care, you're not as likely to get remorse from them. It's easier said than done, but like the Disney movie song from Frozen states: Let It Go, Let It Go.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.