Mar 2, 2020

Dog Ownership=Good Times vs. Bad Times

As a dog owner, I co-sign this meme. I've had my dog for almost 2 years and it's been good for me. She provides loyalty, companionship, and encouragement. I can be feeling low, and she knows how to cheer me up. I've always liked dogs, but it's a special bond that comes with owning your own. She doesn't like to see me leave, but she knows I'll always return home. There were times where I wanted to go out and enjoy myself, but I think about how my dog hasn't seen me since morning, and I feel obligated to come home to her; that's love, to me. Unfortunately, all dogs have an expiration date and when my dog passes, she will be missed. It's crossed my mind to get another dog, and when I do, I'm adopting one from the shelter. The way rescue dogs look at their new owners is priceless. I want the experience of rescuing a dog from my local shelter. The memories I'm building with her now will get me through when she leaves this world. I feel for all dog owners who have lost their pets. For some people, their pet is the only friend they've ever known. Who will greet them when they come home? Who will comfort them when they're feeling low? 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.